About Mareah

Mareah L.C Thomas
I'm 26 y/o part German, French and American. I was born in a little town called Neunkirchen located in Saarland Germany. On July 10th 2017 I was blessed with one of Gods most precious gifts. My little ninja Julius :-) I absolutely love being a mom. What I like? hmm the list is long I'm kind of all-rounder if you want to call me that but I think I can narrow it down to some things I identify myself with. I love Vintage, the seasons Fall and Winter, Photography, small cafes and coffee, Travelling , Yard sales and Antique shops. I'm a book Nerd n love writing(obviously). Supernatural is my show.Im a watch wearer (and glasses)and an absolute Fan of Festivals. I like electronic music but will die for Justin Timberlake. Snowboarding and Soccer are my thing.Obsessed with Scarfs hats and Boots.I have a thing for Tattoos and good ol Family traditions.Family is my everything and last but not least i love spending time with my friends being weird and absolutely myself. 3 things i cant stad: Liars , thiefs and bullys.
Motto: Be the change you want o se in the world and you cnt save everybody.

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