Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sunday Journal + Snaps

                                                                                              Good morning and Happy Easter everyone! I do think it's kind of weird that Easter is on April fools day, don't you think? But never the less, I'm back and since i haven't posted in a while(MOTHERHOOD!) I thought I'd come up with somethimg new. Switchin it up a little. There's quite a bit happening lately, so instead of one Post, why not one BIG one! Every second and fourth Sunday, you guys will get a peek of what I'm up to, how life is treating me with a youngin', Travels I might be planning and some stuff i probably found on one of my trips to a Yardsale. Anyways, just a little bit of everything and nothing. You can skim over my "Sunday Journal" while sippin on your morning Coffee and munchin on a buttery Buscuit.(excuse the slang but im from the South) Hope you Enjoy.

Secrets Of The South|Eden State Garden 
Last Sunday i had the privilege of being on the other side of the lens for a change. Usually I'm the one behind the camera and to actually have some totally natural Pictures taken of my son and I was rare and amazing. It beats the regular selfie I tell you that. Lets talk about the location for a minute. I haven't seen a place so alive and green and surrounded by so many beautiful Tree's in a long time! Astonishing landscape with a huge white house at the Entrance.  For my son Julius, it was hog heaven. I realized, I sometimes spend hours searching for places to travel and visit,far far away. By doing so, I have missed a Jem that was right around the corner. Sometimes the places we seek for peace and quite, a afternoon walk, a picnic or even for a good Picture, are in our back yard. Maybe we should spend a little more time exploring home, where ever that may be, before we go and seek the unknown. You never know what you may find.



Travels|Tennessee and Georgia
I have some super excited News to share. After 2 years apart, she is finally flying in to see her Grandson for the first time. We're all super stoked of course and i cant wait to see how Julius will react to seeing his Omi for the first time as well. With his almost 9 months, he has a HUGE and of course amazing personality. The moment i knew that she was flying to Atlanta,Georgia i had to plan a little roadtrip. I've never really took the time to make stops travelling back and forth to Georgia so this time around I've decided to actually take the time and see what little Jems Georgia holds. And not to take away the fun but I've also been planning a little trip to Tennessee sometime this summer. Ever since a friend came back stunned and still day dreaming about the State, I've put it on my travel list. Im already jumping up and down and can't wait. I will definitely keep you guys updated. But thats pretty much what's going on in my life besides being a mom and student. I had someone ask me how i manage to put school and being a mom under one hat and how I quote" In gods so lovely name do you manage all of that?"  Well sometimes i ask myself the same thing but i will make a more detailed blog about it in a couple days. Hope you enjoyed your Sunday paper:) everyone have a blessed and safe Sunday.

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