Saturday, October 28, 2017

Help! My baby is Teething

Teething! At 2 1/2 months? I that even possible? The answer is YES. Even thinking of it makes me pringely. When my son Julius was born he was a very content/non fussy baby and has been ever since. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Buts its not always laughs and smiles. So you can imagine the confusion  when Julius started to fuss and become restless especially after we established a sleeping routine. I wondered what in heavens name could possibly be wrong. The first thing that popped into my mind was gas, maybe a diaper change or could he be hungry or just uncomfortable? After he gave me a big ol smile I finally had it. My baby was teething!! Yes. Sleeper soaked in drool and swollen gums. So I did some research(as always) on Gels to use. But after talking to my mom and a family friend I found out that there are natural ways to sooth your babies irritated little gums. Sadly, that's all you can do at his point. If we could magically take the pain away as mothers trust me we would. So first off,  here are some common signs that your baby could be teething. Your baby doesn't have to have all signs listed.

  • swollen, bulging gums
  • Drooling( the kind that leaves their Shirts soaked) Make sure you keep a clean cloth nearby to wipe off all that slobber. I could cause a rash on your babies neck and chin.
  • Fussiness
  • Wake up a lot at night
  • Biting any and everything they get their little hands on
  • Constantly rubbing his/her Face
  • Rash

Now I heard that a mild fever and diarrhea is also very common but after following up with Julius' pediatrician, she stated that teething is not a sickness so there shouldn't be any fever or diarrhea. Lastly after getting a second opinion from a doctor, my opinion overall is that a mild fever could be possible( Julius had one) but if you uncertain and your child has a mild fever and excessive diarrhea, go to the emergency room immediately!!

So here we come to the Tips.
  1. Try solid cold foods(depending on age)
Peeled Carrots. Now always watch your child while giving him/her foods! Chocking can occur. If you don't like that idea or you are scared of chocking hazards, try fresh food feeders. They recommend them at 6+ months but I give Julius one every now and then and he's only 3 months I fill it with frozen strawberries. He loves it! You can find the one I have here. Its a good way to prevent chocking as well.

     2.   Rubbing gums

Might sound funny but it helps. Putting pressure on the swollen gums while rubbing them might also help the teeth pop through the gums. Make sure your finger are clean.

     3.   Teething ring

I recommend the wooden ones because the ones made out of rubber that filled with water could bust.
Here are some Wooden teething rings or toys.

      4.   Love!

Last but not last lots of comfort and love. Because we all want to be pampert when were hurting right.! Hope this helped someone. xoxo

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