Friday, April 20, 2018

Your Purpose

I once heard someone say the mind is a powerful tool. That your thoughts define who you are. I've been going through the hardest times of  my life but seeing the smile on my face or what i accomplish on a daily Basis, no one would ever know. Today we measure ourselves depending on Facebook likes or Instagram hearts. We push ourselves to be just like "her" or "him". I have been there and done that-believe me. Now I sometimes do wonder where all the authenticity has gone to. I used to get discouraged because i wanted nothing more than to write a Blog and take photos all day but seeing all These great and skilled People on the Internet,seeing their Followers, looking at their Pictures made me sick to my stomache, No, not because their Content was so lame but because it was good. REAL good. We all have had someone in our life, whether a relative or someone we have meet,that had nothing but negative opinions or comments on what you were telling them. I remember when my dreams where unrealistic. When finishing my BA in psychology as a single mother of an Infant was unthinkable. But guess what. Im doing it. And all because of the words of ONE Person. Again the power of encouragement and positiv thoughts should not be underestimated. If you ask me today where I stand in life and what i want, I would say this."Positive Vibes only!"Peace of mind and being me and surrounding myself with People who support me is the only thing im accepting at this Point. I am taking Baby steps-the day by day kinda thing. 1 accomplishment is way better than none at all. Be unique and stand out. Be you without being cruel to others. None of us is in a Position to judge anyone. The good part about this life is if you dont want to be around someone, if you dont like them guess what? You dont have to be around them. Dont be afraid to let go of Things that are toxic for to your life. You may feel like your loosing but you will gain something much better. Peace of

So please take this to heart. YOU are amazing and unique. We all have our ups and downs and we have all been at a low in our life. But the Thing to remember is to get back up guys!!! Do not let others opinion get the best of you. They aren't happy with their own life. Some know no better. Dont take negativity and let it turn you sour. We ALL have a Purpose. Find yours. All the Money all the fame all the cars! All of that means nothing if you have no Purpose in life. I want to make a difference. I want to Change the world. But i first have to BE the difference i want to see in the World. Do not let your dreams just be dreams. Dont be dismayed by how dark and broken the world is because a lot of Things are temporary and broken but a lot of Things can also be fixed. But only with Intention. One positive thought in the morning can Change your day. We have a choice each day we get up. Life is what you make of it,

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