Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday Journal + Snaps

Good Morning Peeps! My mom has finally made it 10,000 miles across the Sea. I am super excited and it just amazes me how quickly (within 5 minutes) my son got used to his Omi-Never make the mistake and call my mom a Granny lol. It's like she has been here with us for ages and to me thats so very heart-warming. Seeing the two of them just laugh, go fo their walks, having Omi join us for bedtime stories and playing with Batman makes me believe what i have heard from many Grandmothers. A mother and her children have that "Special Connection" but a Grandmother and her Grandkids are a whole nother Level ! As for me, every Girl needs her mother.
Travel Thoughts
Sir Richard Burton once said" The gladdest Moment in human life, I think, is a departure into unknown lands. Reminiscing the good old days back home in Europe today. I remember the trips to Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam Ect as though I had just been there yesterday. Beautiful countrysides, millions of rivers and endless miles of forests.Even though I miss home at times and know without a doubt that I'll get a chance to take my son to see where part of his roots are, theres still so much of the World i still havent seen. I dont know about you guy's but if Travelling was free, I would be gone 24/7! Lately, I've been thinking about places such as Hawaii or Bali. Both places are beautiful and have a lot to offer.If anyone has any Tips or recommendations please feel free to drop them below. I'd love to hear from you guy's.
Florida and ist bipolar weather! Im tellin ya. One day ist burning hot and the next you wake up thinking Armagedon has started. Im ready for Summer and Travels. But Spring is still here, which for me means lace. I absolutely love it and think it flows so smoothly with ones Skin. Here a Outfit i put together for you guys. I would send you guys a direct link to shop my look buuut I've had this stuff for a while now and just now decided to clean my closet out a bit. A tip: you can find hats like this almost anywhere now a days. I bought this one at H&M and These bootcut  Jeans are from Tommy Hilfiger.

That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed your Brunch. As for me Lunch is calling and so is my son lol
Have a Blessed Sunday and dont Forget to follow your heart.

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