Saturday, October 21, 2017

Tips on Trick or Treating with Toddlers+ cool Alternatives

Hocus Pocus, crazy costumes, spooky decorations and lets not forget the important part: CANDY!
Of course we all love Halloween. I mean free candy what's not to like about that. All those goodys and fun could be over with pretty quick though if a house looks to scary or when a costume doesn't sit right. Well with years of experience trick or treating with cousins, I think I have some pretty good tips on how you can make trick or treating go a lot smoother this year. And if your not up for hours of walking or you just don't want to go, don't worry. There's lots of other things you can do on hollows eve hat doesn't include begging strangers for candy

  1. Costume (very important)

We all know the scarier the better. But think about it for a second. Your kid has to spend hours in this thing which means its gonna have to be comfortable. No itching Fabrics or over the top huge Headpieces ( they end up in the candy bag  nine times out of ten). So again make sure the Costume sits and fits. 


      2.  The right candy bag

Regular grocery bags can rip and bucket handles could come off easy. If you have a bag make sure its a durable one or one made out of cloth. Bucket handles need to wide enough yet easy to grip. And for those that don't like neither, my cousin always had a little backpack.

       3.  Plan a Route

Worst nightmare for you and your Toddler would be having to end all the fun because of a potty mistake or your legs start to hurt because you've been walking the block for too long! So plan a route that includes a stop back home( if you're trick or treating in your area of course) or a place where you can stop and go if you rally have to.

       4.  Always be visible
Kids like to run off and explore things on their own which there's nothing wrong with that just in this case (Halloween) not such a good idea. Do it like my mom use to and take a Flashlight. Another awesome thing: reflector Tape!!!! Just add some into the costume, that way your Toddler doesn't think its too uncool.

Well I guess that's all the tips I have. And lets face fats here. Trick or treating is not for everybody.
So why not try a Pumpkin Hunt in your Yard or House. Really cool idea. Decorate a little( or a lot) and hide the pumpkins anywhere you'd like. I'd recommend hiding a little candy with each pumpkin so the effect of getting some candy doesn't completely fall away.

Or maybe a Pinata ! and again hang it in the yard or house doesn't matter. And for those that like it real simple. Horror movie night is always awesome.

I hope I helped at least someone out there. xoxo

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